As with most so-called “solutions” in the male enhancement industry, there is often doubt and speculation.
Which methods actually work, and which are a mere cash-grab, with the only thing getting fatter being the pockets of fly-by-night crooks flogging their bunk remedies to unsuspecting guys?
But the one tried and true remedy proven time and time again to really work is male enhancement exercises.
Male enhancement exercises can refer to a wide variety of programs and techniques for male enhancement, ranging from weights and stretching devices to manual manipulation.
Let’s take a look at the top three male enhancement exercises that are proven to work.
Male Enhancement Exercises That Works

The following three exercises are proven winners for male enhancement.

You may have heard of “jelquing” or even tried it.
Sometimes referred to as “milking,” it is one of the most common male enhancement exercises there is.
The exercise involves encircling the base of the penis with one hand while forcing blood upwards toward the tip of the penis with the other hand, repeatedly and daily.
The benefits of this exercise include visible changes in both length and girth.
With constant practice, this male enhancement exercise is a guaranteed winner, and is suitable for beginners and pros alike.
The Side Stretch

This is a lengthening exercise that anyone can do.
It involves pulling your penis outward and pointing slightly down, then pulling to the left side with gentle pressure, and to the right.
Start with at least 100 repetitions and work your way up to more.
Advanced practitioners can get up to 1,000 reps with rest periods between sets.
Towel Raises

This is one of the tougher male enhancement exercises.
Place a hand towel over the end of an erect penis.
Squeeze your muscles (as if in urine control) to raise the towel.
Repeat until you feel fatigued.
Another variation is to hold each squeeze to a count of ten, then release, and repeat.
As you improve you can use a larger towel or even a wet towel.
The Downside of Male Enhancement Exercises

If these male enhancement exercises really work, why doesn’t every guy have a massive penis?
The reality is, male enhancement exercises do work, but they take time, patience, and dedication.
Exercises should be performed most days of the week, and truly impressive results typically take months to appear.
Some men find it difficult to dedicate that much time and effort to improving the appearance of their penis (most male enhancement exercises will also help improve stamina, control, and hardness of erections as well).
The other drawback of male enhancement exercises is the risk of injury.
This is one area where you want to avoid potential strain – and especially long-term damage!
Exercises must be undertaken carefully and responsibly, with plenty of rest periods and time for recovery.
If you’re in too much of a hurry, you may do more harm than good.
If you are concerned about the risk of male enhancement exercises or simply don’t want to dedicate the required time and energy to this practice, you may wish to consider other options for male enhancement.
Today’s remedies are clinically proven to work, and some, like VigRX Plus, are natural supplements that contain no harmful ingredients – which means no side effects.
Or, consider combing approaches.
A dedicated program of male enhancement exercises in combination with a high-quality supplement such as VigRX Plus gives you the best of both worlds and results in faster changes in the appearance of your penis, as well as improved sexual stamina.