The Results Are In
The First Ever Clinical Study of VigRX Plus® With Real Men Is Now Complete And The Results Are Outstanding. In Just 84 Days, Study Participants Saw A:
- 58.97% INCREASE In The Ability To Penetrate Their Partner
- 71.43% INCREASE In Sexual And Intercourse Satisfaction
- 47% INCREASE In Overall Sex Drive And Desire
- 62.82% INCREASE In The Ability to Maintain an Erection
- 22.49% INCREASE In Frequency and Quality of Orgasms
- 61% INCREASE In Overall Sexual Desire
We knew it was good, but we didn’t know it was that good!
The Results shown were from a triple-blind placebo controlled, randomized Clinical Study by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. LTD.
For the last ten years, we’ve been getting feedback directly from our customers about VigRX Plus®, so we already knew that it was extremely potent.
But we have to admit, even we were a touch surprised when we received the results of our 84-day clinical study completed by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
If you like, you’re welcome to read the 56-page clinical study report that we received directly from Vedic Lifesciences.
However, we know you’re busy, so we’ve summarized a few of the most notable results from study participants below for your convenience:
Journal Information

The clinical study was performed by Vedic Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd.
It was a triple-blind study, which means nobody involved in evaluating the results, such as the doctors and researchers knew whether the participants were taking VigRX Plus® or the placebo. The trial ran for 84 days, with assessment visits taking place on Day 28, Day 56, and Day 84.
- Erection Frequency
- Erection Firmness
- Frequency of Partner Penetration
- Frequency of Maintaining An Erection After Penetration
- Ability To Maintain An Erection To Completion Of Intercourse
- Confidence In Achieving And Maintaining An Erection
The results were assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). This system of assessment is well respected throughout the international community. It has demonstrated consistent treatment responsiveness in studies in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. It measures:
Patient and partner satisfaction was measured using the internationally recognized Erectile Dysfunction Inventory of Treatment Satisfaction (EDITS) questionnaire.
Prior to the start of the study, the protocols and amendments were submitted to and formally approved by the Independent Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC).
The 75 men who participated in the study were between the ages of 25 and 50, in monogamous, heterosexual relationships.
They agreed to take the recommended dose of VigRX Plus®, which is two tablets, twice per day with meals for 12 weeks.
Out of 108 applicants screened, 78 were recruited for participation in the trial, and 75 completed the trial.
No participants had major psychiatric disorders, a history of heart conditions, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, deformities of the penis, HIV/Aids, or sexually transmitted diseases. None were alcoholics, used medications known to cause sexual dysfunction, had liver or renal dysfunction, erection issues caused by low testosterone, or had female partners who were pregnant.
Result #1
62.82% increase in ability to maintain erection during penetration
After 84 days of supplementation with VigRX Plus®, guys who participated in the trial saw a 62.82% increase in their ability to keep their erection thick, full, and firm during penetration of their partner.
This was as compared to the placebo group, see the chart.
Result #2
58.97% increase in ability to penetrate partner
During this study, both the patient AND their sexual partners were questioned using the EDITS scale. Their sexual satisfaction was measured and compared – VigRX Plus® vs. the placebo.
One particularly interesting result: Female partners of patients taking VigRX Plus® reported a 58.97% increase in their partner’s ability to penetrate them with dramatic improvements in their overall satisfaction.
Meanwhile, those partners of patients taking the placebo reported a DECREASE in penetration during this same period.
See the chart below:
Result #3
22.49% increase in quantity of orgasms
Compared to the placebo group, the men taking VigRX Plus® reported, over the 84 day test period, a 22.49% increase in the total number of orgasms they had.
Last we checked, more orgasms definitely equated to BETTER overall sexual satisfaction.
Result #4
47% Increase In Sex Drive And Desire
One of the reasons VigRX Plus® was evaluated to be potentially superior to prescription erection medications is because it has been shown to measurably increase the desire for sex.
Prescription meds just affect your erections. They don’t impact your sex drive.
Yet sex drive and erection quality are LINKED.
Because VigRX Plus® has been shown to increase the desire for sex by 47%, as well as increase erection quality and frequency, it does something that prescription meds simply were not designed to do.
Result #5
71.43% Increase in sexual and intercourse satisfaction
Men who took VigRX Plus® for the trial period also reported a 71.43% improvement in their sexual and intercourse satisfaction.
This was compared to the only 12% improvement reported by those who took the placebo.
That means guys who took VigRX Plus® were almost six times more sexually satisfied during the 84-day trial than those who took the placebo.
Result #6
61% Increase In Overall Sexual Satisfaction
Finally, when all of the results were in, after 84 days the patients taking VigRX Plus® reported a 61% increase in their overall sexual satisfaction.
In contrast, the placebo group reported a DECREASE in overall satisfaction.
Don’t forget: this was a triple-blind study, which means the doctors, the researchers, and the patients all had NO IDEA whether they’d taken the placebo or VigRX Plus®.
This completely eliminates any bias in the results.
Erection Quality Scores Compared Over 12 Weeks:
As you can see, over the 12 week trial period, VigRX Plus® produced measurable increases in erection quality scores when compared to the placebo.
Study Participants Answered The Question:
“Would You Continue Taking VigRX Plus® Or The Placebo, Yes or No?”
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